Box Activities

A box can make for a good workout

Many different types of activities can be performed using a box. It is a great leg workout as well as good cardio because it will get the heart rate up.

These types of boxes come in different varieties. Some are wood, some are foam, others are metal. All of them work well, however I will admit the foam ones can lose their shape after some time. Check out the Rogue website for multiple options.

The other issue with the wood and metal boxes are that they can scrape your legs if you land incorrectly. This is why I recommend starting on a lower box. 

Box jump workouts are a good way to improve explosiveness and power in your legs. It is an especially good workout for runners and those who perform jumping in their sport. 


Box Jump up

Box Jump down

Jump down followed by a jump

Just like it sounds jump down then perform jump squat

Step up

SL ankle jumps

Perform quick and short jumps on the bottom leg

Alternating box jumps

Jump up then switch the leg that is on the box

SL jump up (single leg jump up)

Perform the jump up but only on one leg

SL lateral jump up (single leg lateral jump up)

Perform jump on the one leg that is on the box

I will perform box jumps on days I do a leg workout or HIIT workout. Check out this blog post here for my favorite lower body exercises and here for HIIT workouts.

But they can also be done as their own workout. If you only do 1 of the above exercises you can add it to a regular workout performing 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Do the same number of sets and repetitions but perform them all on a day of only box exercises.

With the box jumps activities, it is important to know how to properly land. When doing a double leg activity, be sure to land on both feet evenly and using the knees to absorb the impact. With single leg activities, land similarly to the double leg but try to make sure that the knees and hips do not buckle too much.