Welcome to MoveyourAshPT!

My name is Ashley and I am here to help you feel better and get moving again.

Patellar Tendinitis

Patellar tendinitis or jumper’s knee occurs in those who participate in jumping or running sports. I have also seen this injury in those going through a growth spurt.  Tendinitis is usually an overuse injury (see tendinitis blog post here), meaning the person has been running or jumping too much without slowly building up the work…

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The tendon is how a muscle connects to bone. A tendon can become painful due to overuse, trauma,  and excessive pulling.  When you see -itis at the end of a word, it translates to inflammation. Tendinitis means inflammation of the tendon. For more information on the research into Tendinitis and pathologies that involve the tendon…

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The Hex Bar

The hex bar is great for a full body workout.  The hex or trap bar is shaped differently than the straight barbell, allowing you to step inside of it. The hexagon shape also lets you grip in different positions. If a barbell is all you have, check out my barbell exercise post here for more…

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Muscle Strain

A strain pertains to an injury with a muscle.  This is different from a sprain which pertains to a ligament. It is important to understand the difference because they involve different structures and different healing times. I go through the difference in my post sprains vs strains here, therefore I will not go through it…

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Barbell Exercises

The barbell is a versatile piece of workout equipment. Barbells are a straight metal bar that weighted plates can be added to increase the resistance. Also, barbells are one of the most used pieces of equipment in the gym, with many people using it for workouts every single day. Similarly, I can say I do…

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4 Stages of Rehabilitation

There are 4 stages of rehabilitation following an injury. During these stages, we will take a person through different exercises at varying degrees of difficulty.  Ever wonder what your body will go through during recovery and rehabilitation? This blog post will explain it more to you. You can also check out the research here. The…

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