
4 Stages of Rehabilitation

There are 4 stages of rehabilitation following an injury. During these stages, we will take a person through different exercises at varying degrees of difficulty.  Ever wonder what your body will go through during recovery and rehabilitation? This blog post will explain it more to you. You can also check out the research here. The […]

Functional Exercises

A functional movement is an activity that someone does to mimic everyday actions. A functional exercise helps to improve that action/movement.  However, functional exercises can be something different to different people. A regular person (not an athlete) can have certain functional movements and athletes can have others. Building on that, athletes in different sports also […]

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a great tool to stretch and release tightness in the muscles and joints throughout your body. Benefits of Foam Rolling How to Foam Roll One of the best things about foam rolling is that you can control the amount of pressure yourself. Just like stretching, you are in control.  It is my […]