4-1-1 Workout 

The 4-1-1 workout regimen is a newer idea that has been floating around.

I recently heard about this new plan that is meant to be a weekly routine. I haven’t yet tried this out, but it seems to be a good option for making sure you get in a weekly full body workout. 

The 4-1-1 Workout Plan:

  • 4 days of strength training 
  • 1 cardio day 
  • 1 Pilates or barre day

This workout plan does seem to include all of the areas that are important in a weekly routine. So at first glance this seems like a great way to plan out your week.

However, I have questions about this plan.

My Questions: 

  • How do you break up the strength days, upper body and lower body, then a full body? 
  • I know there are plenty of Pilates and barre workouts online but what if you can’t find one you enjoy or what if you just do not like them to begin with? 
  • Is six days a week too much for some people? When starting a workout plan 6 days seems daunting, also not every one wants or can workout that often.

Unfortunately, there is no research about this method and its specific effects. The only thing I could find was videos on how to break it up and specific workouts. 

Now, there does not need to be research for someone to complete this workout. I am just not going to claim that it is a better workout without there being research to back that up. 

If this workout does not work for you, check out my blog post about the weekly workouts I do here.

Options for the 4-1-1 Workout

Day 1: Full body strengthening

Day 2: Lower body strengthening

Day 3: Cardio workout

Day 4: Full body strengthening

Day 5: Barre or pilates 

Day 6: Upper body strengthening

Day 7: Rest

This workout plan was found on another website because research has not been done yet. Check out that website here.

If you choose to perform this 4-1-1 workout regimen, let me know how it works for you!

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