The Best Time of Day to Workout

The time of day someone does a workout has been the subject of a recent debate. Is there a better time of day to workout to achieve greater results or benefits?

Some people workout in the mornings, others workout in the afternoons or evenings. I have received questions on which is better so I did some research into if there was a more effective option. 

Morning Workouts


  • Get done and over with first thing
  • Have energy for the rest of the day
  • Increased metabolism throughout the day
  • Could burn more fat when exercising on an empty stomach


  • More tired and will require more warm up time

Evening Workouts


  • Body reaches peak performance in the afternoons
  • Since you have been most likely moving around already, you need less time to warm up
  • You use your oxygen more slowly and efficiently in the evening


  • Other daily activities may get in your way and not allow you to workout

Research on Workouts

The research article here, which is one of the more recent systematic reviews, shows there is no real evidence to prove one time is more beneficial.  

However, there is evidence that performance testing should be performed at the same time each day it occurs. This will ensure the athlete or person being tested is in the same state each time.

For me, I chose to workout in the mornings. With the ability to have a home gym, I do not have to travel to a gym. We created a home gym so I did not have to get a babysitter during that time. I am able to wake up before my children and get a workout done. This is my “me” time.

If you want to workout from home, check out my blog post here on how to make an inexpensive home gym.

Now, there are times when I have to be at work too early or do not get a great night sleep and will then do a workout in the afternoon/evening. 

The bottom line is, as long as you are doing a workout, you will get the benefits. The time of day does not matter. You choose your workout and time for whatever works best for you!