My favorite lower body exercises!

On my last post, I went through my favorite upper body exercises (check it out here), today I am going to go through my favorite for the lower body. Out of the 3 days I do strength training, one is focused on Lower body.

Like I said in the previous post, Lower body is not my favorite because it is harder, however I always feel like I get in a better workout since my heart rate gets higher. Lower body is just as important as upper body because it will give you a great all-around workout. Do not skip out on a workout just because it may be hard.

I pick from this list of lower body exercises because it gives a great variety. Just like with the upper body, I will pick 8 activities from a list of lower body exercises and perform 4 supersets. A superset is 2 exercises alternating 10 repetitions of each until 3 sets is completed, then go on to the next superset.

My favorite lower body exercises:

  • Front squats
  • Sumo squats
  • Static lunges
  • Curtsy lunges
  • Side lunges
  • Dead lifts
  • Kettle bell swings
  • Bridges

Just like with the upper body workout, I will also add in 2 core exercises into the superset combination. I will also mix up the exercises as to not perform 2 exercises that work the same muscle in one superset. 

As with the upper body, there are ways to make the lower body exercises harder, but these are the best way to begin if you are needing a starting point.

While I am at it, here is also a list of my favorite core exercises:

  • Planks
  • High planks
  • Shoulder taps
  • Heel taps
  • V ups
  • Leg raises

Now I know what you’re thinking, 1 lower body and 1 upper body but what about the third day of strengthening? One this day I will do a combination of upper and lower. I will still do 2 core exercises as well. So, on this day it will be 3 upper body, 3 lower body and 2 core exercises in any combination that your heart desires!

Another great thing about these workouts is they can be performed at the gym or at home. If you do not have a gym membership, then try them at home. All you need is a dumbbell or household items that can be used as a dumbbell.

With all of these workouts you can also choose whatever weight you prefer. I would recommend starting low and progressing as the exercises get easier. Or if you only have one dumbbell at home start with that and decrease the number of repetitions or sets to what you can perform. 

The exercises should also be tough for you but not impossible. You should also be able to complete the exercises without sacrificing your form. 

Good luck with your at home or gym workout!