Yearly Goals: 2022 and 2023

Yearly goals are something I have been striving to do for about 3 years. They give me something to focus on throughout the year and have a better work/life balance. I will be the first to admit that they can also be hard to stick to.

The year of 2022 was not great, in my opinion. It had its ups and downs, but mostly downs for me. 

I am reflecting on my goals that I created for the year. I realize I did not meet them all and new ones came up as the year went on. 

2022 Goals I Met:

  • Working out more consistently: In years past, I worked out but not as much as I did this year. 
  • Making a Sunday dinner for the family: I wanted to do this as a good start/end to the week. Most Sunday’s I made dinner and the four of us enjoyed it together. 

Goals I Did Not Meet:

  • Posting a blog twice a week. This year became a lot mentally for me and I took on more than I Could chew with this one. 
  • Increasing blog followers. I did increase my following, however I sent a bar too high for myself with everything else I took on.
  • Monthly date with my kids. I was able to give them time throughout the month. We spent more time together as a family going on fun trips or outings. However the one-on-one dates did not work out as often as I would have liked. 

2022 Goals I Met but Came Up in the Middle of the Year:

  • Workout differently: my workouts usually consisted of running and very light weight training. Then when we purchased the garage equipment, I realized I love lifting more than I ever thought. 
  • Find a new job: I left an old job that I loved but realized was taking toxic for me. I found a new one that has given me the freedom to do so much more. 

There are more goals that I met and did not meet, but for sake of space I did not include. I decided my new year goals for 2023 are going to be more important to me. 

I have spent more time deciding what I wanted out of my life and want to share that with you. Hopefully this will give you inspiration to your own goals.

My 2023 Goals:

  • One-on-one time during the week with one of my kids. I have designated a night that I will spend 30 minutes alone with them
  • Take me time once a week: I am horrible at giving myself a break. My husband has dedicated Sundays after dinner to me being alone in our room. 
  • Start school! This is one I have been thinking about for about 2 years. I want to go back to school to advance my education and progress my career.
  • Grow my blog. Because I will be having more time not working, I will invest more time to this blog which I have so much fun doing.
  • Decrease my sugar intake and only have sweets once a week. I do not usually have much of a sweet tooth, but this helps me stay on track for health goals.
  • Increase my max weight on my squat, bicep curls, and bench press. If you are interested in some of the workouts I do weekly, check out biceps, hamstrings, and back workouts.

Yearly goals are something I have been striving to do and what I want you to understand is these are what I want to work on. Your goals should be tailored to your life. Where you are now and where you want to be one year from now. 

I want you to also make your goals attainable. Make them achievable. I learned that from last year when I did not reach some of mine. Good luck to you this new year!

If you are interested in a way to help keep track of your goals, check out this blog post here by Merrick White. She has a printable goal sheet to help you out!