At home cardio workout!

At home cardio workouts are my go to when it gets to hot outside. If you are like me and live in a city that gets crazy hot in the summer, the last thing you want to do is cardio outside. It is also not the smartest thing to do, go running in more than 100-degree weather.

Instead, I will do at home cardio. I will make a list of the activities to perform and will do those for the comfort of my air-conditioned home!

These are High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT workouts. They are a great cardio exercise, and you can even add weights to make it more intense if you want to. 

I have also got easy at home upper and lower body strength training exercises. You can check out lower body here and upper body here

There are also a couple different ways you can do this:

  1. Perform the activity for 40-50 seconds with a 10-20 second break 
  2. Perform in a pyramid version 15, 30, 45, 45, 30, 15 second intervals of 2 different exercises, alternating each time. Taking a 15 second break in between each exercise.
  3. You could also perform how long you want and takes breaks however you please!

In the hot summers, I frequently perform number 1 or 2 from above. I will try to go for about 30 minutes.

So, for number 1, I will do 10 exercises 3 times through. I will give myself a break of 1 minute in between each group of 10 exercises.

For number 2, since it takes about 4 minutes each pyramid round with a 1-minute break in between, I go for 6 rounds. Making that 12 different exercises to perform in the 30 minutes.

These are how I perform the at home cardio, mixing it up each time. You feel free to do it however you choose, as these are just examples.

At Home Cardio Exercises

  • Speed skaters
cross one leg behind the other while bringing one arm dow to opposite foot
jump to other foot and repeat with opposite hand
  • Burpees
start in standing position
go down into plank position, and perform a push up
come back up to your feet and jump into air
  • Squat jumps
perform a squat
from the squat position, jump into air landing back in squat
  • Jumping Jacks (I hope you know how to do these)
  • Air squats
perform squats without weight as many times as possible
  • Jump lunge
start in lunge position
jump up from the lunge
land in a lunge on the other leg
  • Side lunges
lunge onto one leg
quickly lunge to the other side

  • Side shuffles
  • Inch worms
start in standing position
put hands on ground and walk out on hands
end in plank position and walk hands back to starting postion
  • Mountain climber
in plank position, bring one knee to the opposite elbow
repeat on other side (can also do a variation where you bring hands to the middle of the chest)
  • High knees
Bring one knee up to chest
repeat on other side (to get extra work in: jump off the leg that is on the ground)
  • Standing cross body crunches
bring the one knee to the opposite elbow
repeat on the other side
  • Standing oblique crunches
bring elbow and knee on same side towards each other
repeat on other side
  • Plank jacks
start in plank position with feet together
jump feet outward then back together
  • Squat Thrusts
start with feet and hands on ground in low squat
jump feet out to plank position, then return

Mix any of these exercises together and you could have a great workout! I will even admit that some of these combos can give you such a good cardio workout that you might burn more calories than if you were to run or jog for 30 minutes, because it has happened to me!

Also check out my instagram page for video versions of them @moveyourashpt