Combination Exercises

Combination exercises work multiple body parts at once, usually an upper and lower body exercise. 

A couple of weeks ago, I did a full body exercises post, you can see that post here. Today’s post is different from that because I am showing 2 separate exercises (one for lower and one for upper body) that can be combined to make one activity. 

When you perform these combination exercises, you can get a good strength training and cardio workout at the same time. Using multiple muscle groups at one helps to increase your heart rate better than single group exercises. 

With combination exercises you can also increase your coordination with the multiple movements. Improving coordination can improve mental function, sport performance, and balance. For more information on how well combination can work, see the research here.

And because you are increasing your heart rate more, you burn more calories. I have noticed burning more calories when performing combination exercises than with just single group activities. 

Combination Exercises

Lunge overhead press

DL and row

Curl and press

Chest press pull over

Sumo squat and bicep curl

Renegade row push up

Bent over row and tricep ext

Standing Bicep Curl Chest press

It may take time to get used to the exercise combinations, but just like with any exercise, the more you perform, the better and easier it becomes.

You can perform the exercises above 3 sets of 10 or for 45-60 seconds at a time. Because these combination exercises work multiple body parts at one time, you can get a full body workout in less time.