Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is a very common ailment of pregnant women. Exercises to help fix are simple and can be done without equipment.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the abdominal wall at the Rectus Abdominus. The muscles of the left and right side have widened making a space your fingers could fit through.

The muscles specifically being separated are the rectus abdominus muscles. You know, the ones that form the six-pack.

Most often what happens is as the belly enlarges the Linea alba (the thin sheet of connective tissue) is no longer able to hold the abdominal muscles together. This creates the space between the 6 pack muscles.

Usually, the Linea Alba is elastic like a rubber band and will go back to normal but with Diastasis Recti this does not occur.

Who Diastasis Happens to?

Diastasis Recti is a very common ailment of pregnant women, it can also happen later in life to men and women. That population are typically overweight.

The Diastasis will most frequently occur in the 3rd trimester of a pregnancy.

Symptoms of Diastasis Recti

Here are some common symptoms:

  • Low back pain
  • Doming when you contract your Abdominal muscles
  • Urine leaking
  • Difficulty Lifting
  • General weakness feeling in the abs

How do you fix Diastasis Recti?

Exercise of course!

But certain exercises. In fact, this is a time when crunches and planks for your core are not recommended. If you are interested in core exercises check out that post here.

In this instance, deep core exercises and activities to work the Transversus Abdominis (TA) are essential. 

The TA muscle is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and helps to support posture and maintains abdominal tension. 

Exercises for Diastasis Recti

TA breathing: Check this video for TA breathing

Elevated marching foot taps

Start with Feet elevated
Tap one foot down at a time

Single leg extension

start with feet elevated like the march, then straighten one leg at a time

Double Leg extension

Perform the Double leg the same as single leg but with both

Knee extension with SL Lowering

start in same position as the march, then straighten one leg out and lower it to the floor. bring back to start position and perform on other side

Side plank

elevate yourself onto your one elbow

Start with the first 2 exercises and progress to the others as you can tolerate it. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions of each.