Can you work out if you are sick?

A question I frequently get asked from patients and friends is “can I still do a workout if I am sick or not feeling well?” 

How about you? Have you ever wondered this? Do you skip workouts because you are still having symptoms even though you are feeling better?

Well, the answer is: it depends on your symptoms!

A good rule of thumb, actually recommended by medical institutes including the Mayo Clinic (,) is the “Above the Neck Rule”. List the symptoms you are having, decide if they are above or below the neck. 

If you are having symptoms above the neck including: 

  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • headache
  • minor sore throat

In this case, it is safe to do a workout. But be sure to moderate yourself and maybe do a less intense exercise. For example, take a walk instead of running or lifting weights. It is also worth mentioning that The Mayo Clinic has suggested that a run or other workout with minor cold or allergies could help open up your nasal passages and help you recover quicker. 

As a side note, how do you know if you are performing your workout at moderate intensity with above the neck symptoms? You can carry on a conversation during the activity! Again, MODERATE activity NOT intense, and you should not be breathing too heavily, will allow for conversation.

If your symptoms are below the neck:

  • chest congestion
  • coughing
  • upset stomach
  • fever

PLEASE skip your workout for the day and take care of yourself. These symptoms are usually the result of something bigger going on in your body, requiring you to get rest and plenty of fluids. 

Listen to your Body

But in general, you should always be listening to your body. If you are not feeling right, whether allergies or just feeling off, skip that day. One of the worst things you could do for yourself is a halfhearted workout and start performing the exercises incorrectly. 

There have been times I was a few minutes into a workout, and I felt wrong. In that instance, I will stop and do something else. Sometimes it will be just going for a walk or lounging on the couch to watch TV. Looking back, for me, most of these times are when my body needs a break because I did not sleep well or still trying to recover from a hard workout done the day before. As long as these days are few, you will be alright. Your body knows what it needs and will tell you.