There are certain workout sayings that are wrong and should not be repeated anymore. I have even heard many of my patients say these or ask if they are true.
Some of these sayings are listed below with reasons why they need to disappear.
No pain, No Gain
This is one as a Physical Therapist that I absolutely hate! Your body has a pain response for a reason. If what you are doing is painful, then you need to stop or modify what you are doing.
Now this is not to say that some discomfort is not going to happen. A good rule of thumb is if your pain is greater than 5/10 then stop, if it is less than we can continue with it. Remember as a Physical Therapist, I am trying to get rid of your pain, not add to it, and this should be what any PT should strive for.
Cardio Only Will Help You Lose Weight
This is true to an extent, but you will probably notice after a while you will hit a plateau. Research shows lifting weights and building muscle mass is the best way to lose fat. Check out my blog post on the best ways to lose weight here.
Cardio is a great way to exercise and be healthy, but to lose fat mass, increasing muscle mass is the best way to do that and help it stay off.
Eat Less to Get in Shape
Eating less has always been the idea for loosing fat mass and getting in shape. However, this is unhealthy. The answer is more of eating right will help you get into shape. Eating more fruits and vegetables, and lean meats. Eating less sugar and processed foods.
If you are working out regularly and eating right, then you will notice that you might be eating the same amount. You would be surprised how much 100 calories of a vegetable or fruit is compared to other snacks.
I Will Sleep When I am Dead
I do not know about you, but sleep is one of my favorite things! Sleep is also something you need to do to recover. Our bodies heal best when we sleep. If you are not sleeping enough or sleeping well, you will not function at your optimal capacity whether that be at work, school, or working out.
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body
Oh wow! This is another weird one that I do not understand. The only way to get weakness to leave the body is to get stronger by lifting weights.
Like I mentioned before, the body’s pain response is there for a reason. If you are in pain with exercise, something is wrong. Modify your workout to decrease pain. And ask for help from a PT if you are still having this pain.
No Days Off
Why? Not taking a day or two off from working out to rest can be more detrimental than helpful. Your body needs to rest and recover to stay at optimal performance level.
You need to sleep 8 hours and not over train. Over training is what leads to the injuries and your bodies inability to heal.
Please take my advice and stop using these workout sayings that are wrong.