How to Start Running

Getting started running can be difficult if you have never done it before but do not become discouraged against trying it out.

Running is an amazing exercise activity and is great for your heart health.

Not only is it a good way to help you get in shape, but it is also free. It does not cost anything to go outside and run.

It is an exercise that I personally have a love/hate relationship with. I will dread it before going out but when I am done, I feel much better. So, I try to remember that feeling.

Also, when you first start running it is easier to focus on a proper running form then if you did it later on. Check out my post on proper running form here.

Get Started Running

The best way to start is with walking. If you can comfortably walk 2 miles without needing to stop, you can progress to running.

I would start with intervals, meaning start out alternating between walking and running. I would also recommend doing at least 3 times a week. You can also do more but at least 3 will help you build that stamina.

Interval Running

Week 1

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: walk 2 minutes, run 30 seconds for 30 minutes.

Week 2:

walk 2 minutes, run 1 minute for 30 minutes.

Week 3: 

walk 1 minutes, Run 2 minutes for 30 minutes.

Week 4:

Walk 1 minute, Run 3 minutes for 30 minutes.

Week 5:

Walk 1 minute, Run 5 minutes for 30 minutes.

Week 6:

walk 30 seconds , run 7 minutes for 30 minutes.

Week 7: 

walk 1 minute, run 10 minutes for 30 minutes.

Week 8:

Run 15 minutes, walk 30 seconds

Week 9:

Run 30 minutes!

When you get to the point of being able to run 30 minutes without stopping, you can then work on building your speed. Building speed will help you run further in the same amount of time.

Progress Running

Also, if you one of these weeks is tough for you, then do that week again until it is not as hard. Progress to the next week after that.

I am a firm believer that running has a mental component. If you do not think you can do it or do it well, you will not. Believe you can. Take it slow and trust yourself, you can do anything.  

If running is something you have always wanted to start doing, this is a good way to help you get into it. Again getting started running can be difficult if you have never done it before but do not become discouraged against trying it out.